About Us

Chief Felix Sauceda

Vice President

Chief Sauceda is a 33-year law enforcement professional serving with distinction in Brownsville, Texas, the 18th most populous city in Texas, located along the Southern U.S. border. He has served under the three major divisions within the department during his tenure: Uniform Services Command, Investigative Services Command, and Support Services Command. Additionally, he served on the Brownsville Police Department's Tactical Team (SWAT) for 24 years, of which the last 7, he served as the team's Commander. 

As of May 2023, he holds the dual roles of Assistant City Manager and Chief of Police. While maintaining command of the Brownsville Police Department, he also provides oversight of the Fire Department, Health Department, Municipal Court, and the Brownsville – South Padre International Airport. Chief Sauceda holds a master's degree in Police Administration from the University of Texas-Pan American, a bachelor's degree in Criminal Justice from the University of Texas at Brownsville, is a LEMIT Command College graduate, FBI LEEDS graduate, and holds numerous certifications under the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education, and FEMA. 

He is an executive board member for the Texas Police Association, an advisory board member for the Texas Anti-Gang Center (TAG), and the Rio Grande Valley Chief's Association Vice President. Chief Sauceda is also a member of the Texas Tactical Police Officers Association, the Texas Police Chiefs Association, the Hispanic-American Police Command Officers Association, and the International Association of Chiefs of Police. He works under servant leadership principles and serves his organization and community with a servant's heart.